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Wide Awake Duke - Bold Blend - Espresso 250g

Wide Awake Duke - Bold Blend - Espresso 250g

Regular price €13,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €13,00 EUR
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Duke Blend

Our Aussie-style, medium dark Brazil Blend. Expect hazelnut, chocolate & caramel notes. Punchy, thick body, good sweetness. A bold cup without the bitterness typically associated with darker roasts. Duke is the perfect pick for the traditional coffee seekers.

Blend Composition

Brazil 1
Sao Jose, Red Catuaí, Natural 
Brazil 2
Mantiqueira Mountains, Yellow Bourbon, Pulped Natural
Taste Notes Dark Chocolate, Hazelnut, Caramel
Download Taste Note Card (PDF)


How We Brew It

Use a scale to measure your dose and yield (= brewed liquid). Use soft water (100-150ppm).
Step 1
Grind 18g of coffee at a fine espresso setting (EK43 : 1.45) 
Step 2
Distribute the coffee evenly in your portafilter and tamp level.
Step 3
Lock in the portafilter, gentle but firm. Don't crack the coffee bed.
Step 4
Start the machine. Measure 40g of brewed liquid in your cup in 28 seconds.
Step 5
If the coffee runs too fast, grind finer. If the coffee runs too slow, grind coarser.
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