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Wide Awake Juicebox - Kenya - Filter 250g

Wide Awake Juicebox - Kenya - Filter 250g

Regular price €18,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,00 EUR
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Bright & Juicy

Lot Information

Origin Kenya
Region Embu
Variety SL28 & SL34
Producer AA Gikirima
Altitude 1700 masl
Taste Notes Orange Jam, Lemon Balm, Purple Grape, Peach

The Producer

Gikirima Factory (wet mill) is one out of five wet mills under the Kibugu Cooperative Society in Embu in Central Kenya. They receive cherry from hundreds of smallholders from the area. These farmers have on average 2 hectares or around 300 trees. As is common in Kenya & Ethiopia, most farmers also grow other crops such as passionfruit, maize, beans & tea.


At the factory they sort the cherries before they undergo a dry fermentation. Afterwards they are washed and graded in channels, and dried on raised beds. The farmers mainly grow SL28 and SL34 and sometimes K7, Ruiru 11 and Batian.

How We Brew It

Device Hario V60 
Ratio 15g coffee for 230g water (1:15)
TDS/EXT TDS : 1.4 ; EXT: 23.5%
Water Use soft water (50-100ppm) at 93° C
Step 1
Grind 15g of coffee, medium coarse, somewhere between ground pepper and table salt.
Step 2
Put the paper filter in your brewer. Rinse the paper filter and discard the water.
Step 3
Add the coffee to the brewer and tap gently on the side to obtain a flat bed of coffee.
Step 4
Tare your scale and start the timer. Gently pour 60g of water in slow, circular motions.
Step 5
At 0:30, slowly add water up to 120g.  
Step 6 At 0:45, slowly add water up to 180g. 
Step 7
At 1:00, pour up until 230g. Complete brewing time should be around 3:00.
Step 8 If the coffee runs too fast, grind finer. If the coffee runs too slow, grind coarser.
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